What a year it has been. How will growth come back to the supply chain of the Plastics Industry in Australia. There are still multiple scenarios possible, also very much dependent on the availability of a vaccine which is effective against COVID-19 and without any side-effects?
Last year we were looking for a change in attitude by the Government on climate change and the related energy policy. Have we made progress? How will trade develop in 2021 and will we see a continued effect from the attitude by China regarding trade with Australia?
These are all factors which will affect the wellbeing of our plastics industry in the near future.
For stakeholders in the plastics industry, come and listen to Alan Oster, the Group Chief Economist of the National Australia Bank who will present on the Economic Outlook for 2021.

Alan Oster is NAB’s Group Chief Economist.
Alan joined the Bank in 1992 from the Federal Treasury where he worked for 15 years - his special field being economic forecasting and monetary policy.
He grew up in Newcastle and graduated (with first class honours) in economics from Newcastle University. He also holds a Masters degree in economics from the Australian National University.
Immediately before joining the Bank, Alan was the Senior Adviser in Treasury responsible for economic forecasting and modelling. In 1987 he was seconded for nearly four years as Counsellor-Economic and Financial with Australia’s delegation to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in Paris.
As Group Chief Economist, Alan is responsible for NAB’s global economic and financial forecasts. He is also a highly respected and much quoted commentator on Australian and global economic trends and policy issues.
The SPE: A-NZ Section is grateful to the Sponsor BASF Australia for this event.
Date/Time: Tuesday, 8th December, 2020 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM AEST
The webinar program is as follows:
12:30 – 12.35 pm Welcome and Introduction Presenter Han Michel, President, SPE: A-NZ Section
12:35 – 1.10 pm The Economic Outlook for 2021 Alan Oster, Group Chief Economist, NAB
1.10– 1.20 pm Questions and answers Alan Oster facilitated by Han Michel 1:20 – 1:30 pm Vote of thanks to the speaker on behalf of the sponsor Alex Hofmann, Business Manager, BASF Australia
1:30 – 1.35 pm
SPE: A-NZ announcements and Closing remarks
Han Michel, President, SPE: A-NZ Section
For further information contact Han Michel, 0416 168 255 or email: hanmichel@bigpond.com
Cancellation policy: No refunds within seven days of the event.
The seminar organizers retain the right to change the program without notice.