This Training course will only be available by SPE: A-NZ Section in Victoria.
After discussions with a number of companies in Extrusion in Australia, the Society of Plastics Engineers: Australia-New Zealand Section (SPE: A-NZ Section) has changed the program for the Training Course in coordination with the presenter, Dr. Chris Rauwendaal, by including a session on “New developments and methods to improve the extrusion process”.
By including this session we believe that it will present additional value to the industry and will allow the industry to more immediately implement improvements.
Date/Time: Thursday, 27th February 2020, 8:30 am to 6:30 pm
Venue: Woodlands Golf Club, 109 White Street, Mordialloc, VIC 3195
Rauwendaal Extrusion Engineering, Inc. (REE) is a company providing engineering services, custom extrusion hardware, training programs and extrusion plant optimization reviews.
REE, Inc. specializes in extrusion engineering for the plastics industry. REE also develops and provides training programs and software for plastics processors. In addition, REE provides process analysis and troubleshooting, expert witness services, computer simulation, and material analysis.
REE is a world-class provider of custom designed extruder screws for compounding, extrusion, and injection moulding. Its patented screw design technologies allow REE to provide its customers with unparalleled extruder performance. REE also supplies complete extrusion systems custom engineered for non-standard applications.
REE’s Mission
To provide technically advanced and high-quality products and services to the plastics industry and to develop new machinery and processes that allow plastics processors to improve quality and manufacture products more efficiently.
Outline of the course
The title of this course will be “Extrusion” and will specifically address profile, pipe and sheet extrusion but will also cover extrusion in injection moulding and compounding. The course program will be delivered over one day with interactive participation covering in detail the following topics:
8:00 am Registration – coffee/tea
8:30 am Introduction by the Event Coordinator of SPE A-NZ Section: Han Michel
8:45 am Introduction to extrusion by Dr. Chris Rauwendaal who will also present the other topics of the course
Basic components
Type of extruders
Instrumentation and control
10:30 am Break – coffee/tea
10:45 am Polymer properties important in extrusion
11:30 am Solids conveying, melting, melt conveying and mixing
12:15 pm Lunch
1:30 pm New developments and methods to improve the extrusion process
2:15 pm Screw and die design
3:00 pm Break – coffee/tea
3:15 pm Troubleshooting
5:00 pm Q&A and end of the program
5:20 pm Announcements by the Event Coordinator of SPE A-NZ Section: Han Michel
5:30 pm Networking with drinks and finger food
6:30 pm Close
The course will take close to 9 hours with a morning and afternoon break and lunch will be served; coffee and tea will be available throughout the course. The times indicated are approximate. The registration table for collection of the nametags for this course will open at 8:00 am. The course will commence at 8:30 am and finish at 5:20 pm.
The SPE: A-NZ Section will offer refreshments and finger food after the course when time will be available for networking and discussion with the instructor and representatives of the sponsors.
Who should attend?
The training course has been designed with three main groups of industry people in mind who will benefit from participating:
Those employees in plastics manufacturing who have practical experience with extrusion, be it in manufacturing profiles, pipes or sheets or in injection moulding, compounding or rubber processing but would like to have more structured knowledge and knowhow;
Technical staff (engineering and production) and management staff (sales and marketing) who want to be updated about the extrusion process in general;
Staff of new entrants to manufacturing plastic products who would like to know about the basics of extrusion and troubleshooting.
Expected Outcome
The course provides:
Improved communication on extrusion with other functions in the supply chain;
Knowledge about extrusion processes;
Behaviour of different polymers in extrusion;
Faster solutions when troubleshooting;
How to achieve better efficiency in production;
How to improve the quality of the end-product.

Chris is the developer of the CRD, VIP, ASM mixing technology that utilizes strong elongational flow to improve mixing in extrusion and moulding. CRD and VIP mixing devices are successfully used in many extrusion operations. Chris also developed the HHT (high heat transfer) extruder screw designed to improve cooling in foam tandem extrusion operations. This technology is also used in other extrusion operations.
Chris has been involved in technical meetings of the SPE and PPS for many years as a speaker as well as a technical program chairman; he has spoken at more than 100 conferences.
Chris is President of Rauwendaal Extrusion Engineering, Inc. since 1990 and previously was with American Enka Company and Raychem Corporation.
Chris received a M. Sc. from Delft University and a Doctorate in Polymer Processing from Twente University in the Netherlands.
For more information contact Han Michel by email: and
mobile: 0416 168 255