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Panel discussion focused on “Future of Soft Plastics”


Society of Plastic Engineers: ANZ Section is pleased to collaborate with The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) in hosting a technical dinner titled "Future for Soft Plastics". Both industry groups, along with their many industry members, are concerned about current discussions and challenges directed at ‘single use plastic’ packaging and this dinner will help to guide you and your teams to better understand the current and true state-of-play with Soft Plastics in Australia.

Discussions will include understanding the issues surrounding Soft Plastics and the important benefits this packaging format brings (food safety, convenience and reducing food waste). Our speakers will provide insights into some of the excellent initiatives that are already underway in Australia to effectively recycle this packaging format. This technical dinner will focus on soft plastics and the current recycling programs being undertaken and the evening is aimed at challenging the industry to be more involved in promoting a better understanding of the benefits and opportunities for soft plastics.


Date/Time: Wednesday, 8th May 2019, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Venue: Box Hill Golf Club, 202 Station Street, Box Hill South, VIC 3128 New PARKING instructions - Please use Riversdale Road functions carpark at the above venue.


Panel members

Fiona Baxter, Coles Group Manager-Responsible Sourcing Coles

Peter Tamblyn, Sales & Marketing Manager Asia Pacific, Close the Loop

Mark Jacobson, Marketing Director, Replas

Elizabeth Kasell, Director of Development, REDCycle

Anthony Peyton, Director, PREP Design

Primary Contact: Dr Muthu Pannirselvam, Program Chair, SPE:ANZ ( or 0451902123)

Secondary contact: Han Michel, SPE Executive, SPE:ANZ (

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