This visit and seminar is all about New Designs for Packaging Applications and Innovation through New and Modified Materials.
How can you improve speed to market and benefit from science? Understand the benefits and learn from the case studies presented.
The visit to the Food Innovation Centre (FIC) and Victorian Centre for Sustainable Chemical Manufacturing (VCSCM) includes a tour of the unique facilities at Monash University which will show the advantages of collaboration in design, R&D, and manufacturing by developing the right eye-catching packaging.
You will visit the Cave with a 360-degree virtual reality screen, the multimedia room and the Perkin-Elmer Laboratory.
Connecting R&D with Practical Applications: Case Studies Ian James, Senior Sector Specialist, VCSCM
The presentation will cover:
Development of a new green solution
Creation of an improved protective coating
Finding a low cost solution for an existing material
Packaging Design and Visualisation Daryl Thompson, Design and 3D Visualisation Manager, Food Innovation Centre
The presentation will include the following techniques:
Plan how to fail faster in your projects and learn
Visualise for consumer feedback and testing
Create customer engaging prototypes to gain feedback
Understand consumers in your export market
Promising Partnerships: Enabling critical Insight for better Outcomes Shaw Feng Ong, Business Leader, Perkin Elmer
The presentation will provide you with an insight in:
The use of testing of materials and properties for reaching a better result at minimal cost
For further information please contact Han Michel on 0416 168 255 or